Design Matters with Debbie Millman on Apple Podcasts
Table Of Content 1 What does structure mapping theory tell us about comparing? 3 Variation theory – instructional design principles Decor Matters: Home Design App L.A. Times Book Prize winners named in a ceremony filled with support for USC valedictorian Asna Tabassum LinkedIn Learning This process of comparing can further be supported, following the principles of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, by highlighting relevant features of representations through cueing techniques or providing scaffolding by sequentially guiding students through solving a case comparison. This perspective was meant to consolidate the current state of the art around the use of case comparison to provide instructors with a theory-informed basis for changing their practice and exploring comparing. For these processes, appropriate instruction, such as a clever task design, becomes a crucial factor for successful learning. 1 What does structure mapping theory tell us about comparing? What Matte...